Monday, January 01, 2018

Bye 2017

What a year it was.

As Rick was looking thru receipts for our taxes, he would say, “We did . . .” And we did. It was a combination of places, activities, learning and most importantly people.

I am posting it as a list.

I read from Murder in Schwyz at the American Library in Paris.

There was a family reunion of Rick’s daughter, mother, brothers, and grandkids in upstate New York followed by a couple of days in NYC.

Three visits with my daughter in Boston, Argelès, Edinburgh. Time with her is always a gift.
Testifying before Congress in Washington, DC and meeting with Congressmen in our fight against FATCA. Here is the video that started the hearing.

Was able to see my friend in Long Island and once again had multi-colored bagels. The friend was the best part, the bagel was just the extra-extra.

Learning that the Supreme Court will be asked to hear our FATCA case.

Wrote and am preparing for publication Coat Hangars and Knitting Needles, to fight for women’s rights to control their own bodies.

Slept in a bubble in the Austrian Alps.

Celebrated the third stage of our ongoing honeymoon in Liechtenstein.

Reconnected with a friend from my hometown in Zurich.

Attended the Paris Air Show.

Spent time in Paris with my Syrian family of choice.

Stood at the tomb of Eleanor of Aquitaine (also Henry II, Richard the Lionhearted)

Spent a month in Edinburgh.

Stood where Mary Queen of Scots was crowned and also where David Rizzio was murdered.

Had a chance to see the former neighbour who was a little girl and would visit me almost every night and see what a fine young woman and almost doctor she is.

Remet a young man from Demark, who has beaten back his handicaps.

Worked with a fledgling company in Colmar. What a pleasure to deal with these dedicated, intelligent people.

Had a few days with my former housemate bringing back good memories and creating a few new ones over Thanksgiving.

Adopted a puppy.

My marriage to my wonderful husband just keeps getting better.

On to 2018.

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