Monday, February 19, 2018


It was a good 15 years ago and I was shopping at Co-op, a Swiss grocery during my lunch hour. The store carried household stuff, too and I as I headed for the cash register, I saw a fitted sheet, of red terry cloth. There were no other colors, but I thought it might be warm in winter and cool in summer.

I was right.

As a minimalist I try to have as little possible, so that sheet was used almost nightly UNTIL . . .

. . . Sherlock.

This was the male puppy we ended up out of pure love at first sight instead of an older female dog we were looking for. One should never go into a rescue center with exact expectations.

Although he had his own bed, Sherlock decided that sleeping between my husband and myself was a good idea. In the cold room he buried under the blankets.

Puppies chew.

The sheet ended up with holes. Although I mended them, it happened again.

I have said goodbye to my sheet. A new one is on the bed, but it is not terry cloth.

Sigh. RIP and thanks for all the lovely nights.f


  1. I feel your pain. I agree with owning as little as possible, and have actually worn out a sheet without the help of a puppy! May you and your new sheet bond and be happy for many years to come.

  2. Hello am Mrs Martha Barker from U S in new York city i discovered that there are so many scams out there pretending to give you an help but I promise to share this testimony all over the world because my Ex Lover return back to me, and today with all due respect i want to thank...Dr. Castro for helping in getting my Ex Lover back to me, i have been in great pains until the day i meet a friend who help me contacted Dr. Castro he casted a love spell for me and told me to wait for just 24 hours that my Lover will call me and i did according to the instructions given to me by him and surprisingly, in 24 hours,my Ex Lover really called me and started apologizing for all he had caused me am very happy today because we are happily married with a kid.I am the happiest Woman on earth today because Dr. Castro has done a wonderful deeds in my life and i will continue to share this testimony, if you would love to contact Dr. Castro In case you have been with a broken heart and you want your ex back just contact the same man Via

    he is specialized in all kind of spell casting such as:

    1. Getting your lover back.
    2. misscarriage spell
    3. herpes spell
    4. Get a job spell.
    5. Pregnancy spell
    6. Marriage spell
    9. Popularity spell
    7. Cancer spell
    8. long life spell
    9. HIV/aids spell
    10.HPV spell

    A man that can bring family together as him and you your problem will be successfully cure contact him today on his email and your problem we be solve contact him via Email:(
