Tuesday, May 22, 2018


What would make anyone start a pig collection until they had 48,000 examples of pig art, antiques, skeletons, paintings, information on pig types, pigs' place in different cultures, pig ceremonies, etc.?

Red-headed Erika Wilhelmer did and then opened a private museum devoted to her treasures in Stuttgart, Germany. 

Rick had finished with his conference and we had the afternoon to explore together but all the ordinary type of museums didn't hit our fancy. Then he discovered the Schweinmuseum on line.

"Let's!" I said.

A couple of false starts to get to the right Strassenbahn station didn't dampen our desire to see what a pig museum would be like. Getting off at the correct stop and looking down the street we saw the world's biggest piggy bank, an entire bus.

The museum was in the building that once served as the admin building for the city slaughterhouse. I am not sure if that's good or bad from the point of view of pigs thinking they were about to meet their maker.

For the next two hours we saw every type of pig possible.

There were jokes such as this pearls before swine.

There were pigs in obscene poses, which I won't post.

A pig orchestra.

Even the curtains at the windows held the pig theme

All this without an oink to be heard.

We went to the café and resisted checking the menu for bacon opting for strawberries and cream and chocolate cake.

We also made a decision that when we visit a city we will look for museums that are unique. We probably won't go looking for one of the other five pig museums in the world. We've already been at the largest. What more could we hope for?

Rick has a dueling blog at http://lovinglifeineurope.blogspot.de/

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