Tuesday, June 19, 2018

It won't stop

“Almost half of American women have terminated at least one pregnancy, and millions more Americans of both sexes have helped them, as partners, parents, health-care workers, counselors, friends.” Katha Pollitt May 1997 The Atlantic.

Ever since a woman missed her period, across every culture throughout time, there have been abortions.

Making abortion illegal is useless. It will continue no matter how many laws are passed. Women, who do not want a baby for any number of reasons, will find a way to end their pregnancy. Legal or illegal doesn’t matter.

The more I researched the topic of American abortions prior to 1973 to write Coat Hangers and Knitting Needles, I realized the topic is almost endless. I’ve searched scholarly studies, newspaper articles, TV programs, websites, court documents and first-person accounts and interviews. The more I searched, the more I’ve discovered.

For every woman who has decided to have an abortion, there is a back story.

The idea that overturning Roe v. Wade will stop abortion is as impossible as saying by next Monday there will be a second sun next to the current one.

I want to send this book to every legislator and every person who thinks outlawing abortion is the answer. The same energy in making it easier to prevent pregnancy, a far better solution.

Physical Abortion Methods Mentioned in Historical Documents/Art
The methods of premodern abortion are varied with various degrees of efficiency and results:
·       Blood letting
·       Climbing
·       Coconut heated and then laid on the stomach
·       Diving
·       Fasting
·       Girdle tightening
·       Hot water poured on the abdomen
·       Jumping up and down, touching the buttocks with the heels at each leap
·       Miscarriage-encouraging drugs
·       Pressure on the abdomen
·       Sitting over a pot of steam
·       Sitting over a pot of stewed onions
·       Candles shoved in the cervix (no reference on whether they were lit or not)
·       Any pointed device shoved into the vaginal canal
·       Water flushed into the uterus
·       Liquids of many types some that burned the vaginal cavity beyond recognition
·       Foreign objects that would create an infection if left in the vaginal canal
Surgical attempts were less frequently found but they did exist.

Oral Abortifacients
What women will put in their mouths or up their vaginas to end a pregnancy is horrifying, especially when many of the treatments are poisonous. To them, the risk was better than bearing a child at that moment.
Over the centuries plants and metals have been used to bring on abortions alone or in combinations with varying effectiveness including:

·       Birthwort
·       Cyprus
·       Diachylon, a mixture of lead and plant juices
·       Dill
·       Ergot*
·       Galen
·       Gin
·       Hellebore, white and black
·       Iron chloride
·       Iron sulfate
·       Italian catnip
·       Lavender
·       Opium
·       Pennyroyal
·       Potassium permanganate tablets
·       Rue
·       Sage
·       Savin (juniper)
·       Savory
·       Scammony
·       Soapwart
·       Slippery elm
·       Spanish fly
·       Squirting cucumber
·       Tansy
·       Tea marjoram
·       Thyme
·       Turpentine
·       Watercress seed
·       Worm fern or prostitute root
·       Spanish fly
*Ergot, a fungus found on rye was most often used by doctors, nurses, midwives and others for abortion. In the late stage of labor, it reduces hemorrhaging, blood loss and postpartum. The negative effect is that it causes unremitting contractions. If the fetus did not move as expected, the drug could cause the uterus to mold itself around the child, rupturing the uterus and killing the child and/or the mother.

Extreme Oral Abortifacients
Other remedies for unwanted pregnancies flash thru historical references. The list may show the desperation to have an abortion. They include:
·       Black-tailed deer dissolved in fat
·       Camel Saliva
·       Crushed ants

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