Friday, August 31, 2018

I drove today

That I drove shouldn't be that unusual, but it is.

I gave up my car in 1993. Since there is such great public transportation in Geneva and Europe, I didn't need a car. At one time I went over a year without even getting in a car.

Probably between 1993 and today, I may have driven two dozen times and that's being generous in my estimate.

When I moved to a village outside of Geneva, I sometimes/rarely (read almost emergency) drove my housemate's car. When I was in Argelès, I could walk everywhere including doctors, dentists, bakers, movie theatre...everything. I could travel around Europe by train.

I almost gave up my license, but people persuaded me not to.

We bought a car new to us. Thus, I decided I wasn't going to be one of those women that won't drive. Afterall, before I gave up my car in 1993 it was nothing to drive all over Europe or the US.

My husband is not a good passenger with anyone, but he swallowed hard when I drove home from the beach (about 10K).

There were no problems. It felt good. I told my husband I want to drive at least weekly, which may be hard because often we have no need to drive anywhere for weeks at a time.

If you are looking for my husband, he may be in the church praying for strength over all this.


  1. So glad you are doing this! In case of need, you will be prepared. When he had to, my husband got over his objections to me driving him and realized that I was pretty accomplished. (He May have been praying that first trip...)

  2. You do need to keep up your driving skills. In case of emergency.
