Saturday, August 25, 2018

Paper towels, etc.

My dog lunged across the coffee table upsetting a water bottle. My husband rushed to get handfuls of paper towels to sop it up. I cringed. We have cloths for that, although he points out that I need to wash the cloths.

Years ago a guest in my Nest (my studio) left me a roll of paper towels that she'd bought. I never bought them. I took over 2 years to use them up and that was only when I cooked bacon that I used them.

I never bought cling film. In the Nest my glass bowls had saucers that covered the bowls, sealing the food. Now we use mason jars or we have the bees wax covers.

To line the compose bucket, I reuse the plastic bags I get at various stores.

It won't save the world. It won't save a fortune either but there's too much of my New England Yankee heritage to waste stuff that doesn't need to be wasted.

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