Sunday, September 30, 2018

A deal

My husband and I made a deal. I will start carrying my French number mobile and he will stop leaving dishes in the sink.

On the dishes: They make the kitchen messy, but leaving them in the sink means double the work. Once to put them there, once to put them in the dishwasher. No, I am not always efficiency crazy.

As for the phone: I hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate it. It's heavy adding one more thing to my pocketbook (purse). I am in no danger someone will call me because only my husband will have the number and he better use it only in a life and death emergency, which is the way I will use it (after I've tried everything else).

I do not want to use it to check emails, Facebook, play games or any other app. I spend hours doing that on my computer or Kindle. When I'm away from it, I want to one million percent away from it.

When I am out of the house I DO NOT WANT TO BE CONNECTED TO THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. If I am buried in the phone, I might not notice a beautiful flower, a mini drama being acted out near me, the color of the sky and what makes up 90% of the enjoyment I feel when I am out of the house. I certainly won't use it when I'm with people.

I made the deal. I will stick to it. The phone is already in my bag. We will need another deal to make me turn it on if I remember how.

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