Thursday, October 04, 2018

Food is love

Food is love-- It's Karrie making roasted figs, goats cheese and nuts on toast for all her friends after a tour of the village.

Food is love--It is Rick making Sunday breakfast and making the plate be photographic pretty as well as adding new tastes.

Food is love was my grandmother making cupcakes and chocolate sauce for us as a surprise.

Food is love when making something special for a friend, lover or family.

Food is love when we make sure that our family gets all the necessary nutrients.

Food is love when it is a treat (popcorn, ice cream, crevettes, fois gras, salmon, cashews) while watching a DVD or special program together

Of course there are the times when food is a getting something, anything on the table after a too-long day at work. In a way that is love because the effort to do something when we want to do something else demonstrates a caring, even through gritted teeth.

Food is love when the child says for the xth time, "I don't like that" in an ear-hurting whine and the child is forgiven.

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