Monday, October 29, 2018

Red Sox

 The photo is a statue in Boston, recreating the Mallard family from 
Make Way for Ducklings.  Jack, Kack, Lack, Mack, Nack, Ouack, Pack, and Quack 
are obviously fans and have decked themselves to show their Sox support.

I am one of the least sporty people ever for either watching or playing. Gym was something to be endured.

In single sports I never cared if I won or lost. Team sports, I would give my all for the sake of the team, but was always happy when it was over.

As a kid I did spend a lot of time ice skating. I liked the cold on my face, the joy of moving over the ice while I made up stories in my head.

I had to take golf lessons as a kid coming from a fanatic golfing family. It interfered with Saturday morning cartoons. The lessons, however, would be useful later in life when I married a man who was passionate about the sport. We even played together once in Andorra and might again one day. I love and admire his enjoyment of sports.

Attending high school football games taught me about the sport, but that was more social. Basketball, hockey, nahhhh... There were other things to do.

As a cub reporter I was assigned to take a picture of Boston Celtics star player Jim Luscutoff. I asked how he spelled his name. He was polite and I apologized that I didn't know much about baseball.

There were times when Boston teams were in finals. Sports became a bit more interesting. Watching the Pats in a Superbowl with the snacks and my friends hollering encouragement was fun.

And there was the NBA championship Celtics-Lakers games where someone had given me tickets and I was close enough to the players to see Larry Bird's sweat. The office had been playing the Celtics Pride Song all day. Now that was exciting even if Jack Nicholson was in the audience shouting insults.

However, baseball never interested me. Again, as a cub reporter one of my beats was to report on Little League games. I learned about the sport and it was better than writing about bridal gowns with seed pearls. But it wasn't as interesting as attending Selectmen meetings, and trying to report on the politics of the town.

My lovely husband wanted to get me tickets for a Boston Red Sox game when we visited Boston. He is always doing things like that. 99% of the time he thrills me with what he chooses.  His getting me tickets to see Roger play in London was one of those times.

I debated grinning and bearing it, but we have a no pussyfooting rule in our marriage so I had to confess, I didn't want to spend any of the precious time visiting my home city at Fenway Park. "Don't make me go." I pleaded.

Now saying all this, I love hearing about the success of Boston Teams: Bruins, Pats and Sox. You can take the girl out of Boston, but not Boston out of the girl...okay, it was cliché. Sorry.

The Sox just won the World Series. We did track the score of the final game into the night. Rick was writing, I was half sleeping and reading.

I wish my dad and my friends, Sam and Bob, avid Sox fans, would be thrilled. Sadly, they are no longer with us.

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