Sunday, November 25, 2018

Vacation photos

A former vendor and boss (at different times) from Massachusetts is taking the most fantastic photos as he travels around Europe.

There is no selfies of him grinning while a famous something or other is in the background.

His are of quill pens in a store window, an interesting doorway, graffiti which is a painting of a masked woman done on a wall.  One would never see these "at home." And maybe things that people don't notice while they are looking at the traditional sites.

The photo above is mine, but only an example of a museum window in Basel (a more traditional of mine is below). His are so much better. I can almost hear the street noises, smell the food cooking, experience the place, the hidden side of being a tourist. The colors make my eyes happy.

He sees things that many would walk by. Because he doesn't, I feel I've been on holiday with him. each morning I check my Facebook feed hoping he's published something new.

He has not lost his imagination, something I always valued in him.

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