Sunday, December 23, 2018

Our dog, our baby

If BBC's supervet Neil Fitzpatrick can call the owners of the animals he treats, Mummy and Daddy or Father and Mother, than Rick and I can call Sherlock, our four-footed baby and each other Daddy and Mufti (corruption of the German Mutti).

In the year we've had this pup, he's changed out lives, usually for the better. We walk more. I would say we laugh more, but we laughed a lot before, the woman at the Spa (animal shelter) put this wiggly ball of fur with a kissing tongue in my arms. Any memories of asking for an older female disappeared.

We've been through potty training, command training (with still some left to go), learning how to sleep in a bed when 7 kilos of pup takes up 80%+ of the mattress.

We've learned his many sounds which means anything from I want to go for a walk to play with me and many words in between.

We get a whole new pleasure in going to the beach or a field and have him run zoomies, a crazy circle. We've also learned to take him there to wear him out.

He must sometimes think his name is No or Stop It.

At our age, Rick and I will never have real children, but Sherlock works well as a substitute. And we don't have to worry about college tuition.

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