Friday, January 18, 2019

Sally Pierce Price

This is the third "interview" with one of my four main characters for my novel Day Care. I am using the interviews as a tool to get to know the women better.

I found Sally Pierce Price in her classroom at the Parker Junior High where she teaches math to seventh and eighth graders.

At 33, Sally looks younger, more like a college student. Her hair was in a pony tail, but tendrils hung around her face. I suspected they had escaped rather than being a style statement.

She was shoveling blue books into her brief case, which surprised me. I thought blue books were used just for written tests. I asked her.

SPP: It's easier to keep track of them than sheets of paper. Between my daughter and my cat, my desk is never quite safe.

Me: Can you tell me where you grew up, please.

SPP: A small town in Maine and in a small-thinking family.

Me: (I looked confused.)

SPP: My father was an evangelical pastor where anything beautiful or fun was considered sinful. They home schooled me to keep me from spiritual danger until I revolted.

Me: And then?

SPP: A teacher helped me get a scholarship to a private school in Lowell. From there I went to Salem State and majored in math, which I love. I love teaching. I love my daughter.

Me: Tell me about her, please.

SPP: Grace is four and the center of my life. (She takes out her phone and shows me photos of a little girl on a swing, in her PJs looking at a book, patting a goat.)

Me:Adorable. Are you in touch with your folks.

SPP: Thank you. I've tried. My father hangs up on me. I think my mother would talk to me, even though I lived in sin with Grace's father.

Me: Are you in touch with your folks.

SPP: I've tried. My father hangs up on me. I think my mother would talk to me, even though I lived in sin with Grace's father.

Me: You didn't marry him then?

SPP: No. We were planning on it but he ran up $10,000 on my credit card and didn't pay the bills I thought he was paying. It took me two years to dig myself out.

Me: And?

SPP: I threw him out. If you excuse me, I need to pick up Grace at Day Care. I'll be happy to talk to you more if you need more information for your book.

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