Tuesday, February 26, 2019

An abortion solution

I spent a year researching my book about abortion before Roe v. Wade. It became clear to me that abortion would never, never, never be stopped any more than prohibition stopped the use of alcohol.

If it is made illegal again, then women who have the money will travel to where they can have a safe abortion. Those without funds will find a back alley abortionist or do it themselves. In too many cases both the baby and the woman will die. Most major US hospitals before 1973 had 20 to 30 beds for women who were dying from illegal abortions.

Most pro-life people act as if making it illegal, will stop it. Groups like Jane and the Clergy Counseling Service which arranged for thousands and thousands of women to have safe abortions will spring up again.

Today I came up with a solution. Since a majority of people who legislate anti-abortion laws are men as are those that head up pro-life groups, women should ban together to get new legislation to reduce the need of abortion.

The solution?


Every male as soon as he reaches reproductive maturity must have a vasectomy. To be fair, maybe they might submit to a panel (preferable of all women since so many health issues about women are decided by male committees, turnabout seems like fair play) to explain why he should not be forced to have a vasectomy. Naturally, for the survival of the species either a few men might escape the knife or even better sperm could be frozen for future children.

Then, since no man can father a child by normal sexual intercourse, there will no longer be the need for abortion.

Problem solved.

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