Wednesday, February 20, 2019


 I may no longer be a red head, but this is me with a cold.

Before the word was tied in with punk rock, it could be used in place of atrocious, awful, dismal, execrable, horrible, lousy, rotten, sucky [slang], terrible, wretched.

I have come down with a cold and I feel punk as my mother used to say. Maybe some of the words are too strong in the list, but not much. At lease I am no longer working outside the home where I have to decide whether or not I should drag myself into the office, sharing my germs with my coworkers or try and work for home. I can put on my fuzzy sweats and laze around reading or napping at will.

My lovely husband took my cooking day AND did the dishes. Half out of guilt and half because I hate to give into feeling punk, I did do a couple loads of wash. Had it been the olden days when I had to go to the river to pound the clothes clean, I wouldn't have, but putting them into and out of the machines was fine.

As all my colds, it started with a scratchy throat. I've lived in Europe lone enough to immediately wrap my throat in a scarf. I then go to the other remedy, bicarbonate of soda.

There are the jokes of no matter what you do, a cold lasts the same number of days.

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