Thursday, March 28, 2019

A forced no grid day

This is a dueling blog with my husband.

For almost a year Saturdays were off the grid days: no email, no internet, no news. It didn’t really matter what Trump did or the latest Brexit flumdiddle (that is not a real word, but Brexit seems like an equally made up event).

What peace we felt, not dealing with the insanity of the world. Some projects which had been postponed for far too long, miraculously got done.

But since we went back to Geneva for the winter, work and other projects seemed to override the no grid day.

Today, Rick was beginning a new week, his first without being in an intensive French class several hours daily. I was doing a final glance through of Triple Deckers ready to send off to the publisher.

As I was heading for the shower and he was looking at Facebook before starting his next client project, he said, “Internet’s down.”

It happens and it usually comes back quickly. 

Forget usually. It is now suppertime and it still isn’t up.

We don’t know if the telecoms truck out on the street spied when Sherlock was being walked was responsible or not. Or it could be a problem with the landlord’s system. We are tied together.

The TV is also out of commission.

We wrote around the internet, walked the dog. Rick had a phone call and made it out in the car where he could get a signal. I even got back to my novel Daycare and wrote about 500 words.

I did some chores too, made lunch, played with the dog and read.

It wasn’t that long ago when I never had the internet although it was rare to be without the television. 

The publisher will not have a heart attack if the manuscript comes in tomorrow.

I did have one horrible thought. How bad would it have been had I not had enough to read.


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