Saturday, March 23, 2019

Breakfast and chocolate serendippity

Rick and I were meeting the chocolate tour we planned to take at the Starbucks, Quai des Bergues, in Geneva.

It was a perfect weather day, unusual in Switzerland. We walked hand-in-hand along the quai, admiring the swans and the water so clear, we could see bumps on the rocks under the surface.We noted the sky was almost as blue as in the South of France, a special treat for Geneva at this time of year.

The goal was to grab a quick bite at Starbucks, not a big one, for we anticipated the chocolate to come.

Peeking in the window of the Ambassador hotel, we saw the diners at tables with Clorox-white cloths eating breakfast. So often, I wish I had the courage to go up to a dinner and using my own fork, say, "Can I sample this?" and then do. I never have and probably never will unless they bring back Candid Camera and hire me as one of the presenters.

"Do you want to get a special breakfast?" My beloved asked.

"If we can," I said.

The wait staff said it wasn't a problem. One of the servers, a man in his 40s with the most beautiful blue eyes, took our coats and directed us to the buffet for the perfect eggs, beans, cheeses, salmon, juices, sausage and an assortment of breads, jams and honey.

I ordered a hot chocolate, half in preparation for the tour, half just because. The waiter brought a pitcher of steaming milk and a packet of cocoa powder.

I love watching the powder dissolve into the milk. Like pretending clouds have special shapes, I can pretend the chocolate is something more than melting chocolate, although today, the word amoeba was the first thing that came to mind.

We had well over an hour to savor our surprise breakfast. As always, we had lots to chat about, before paying and walking across the street to the tour.

We still had room to sample the chocolate and we di d.

Rick did a dueling blog
aabout our chocolatey morning. 

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