Saturday, March 02, 2019


 Since Rick and I started to live together in 2013, we talked about getting a dog.

There were so many reasons not to:
  • We were too old
  • We traveled too much
  • We lived in two places, only one which would be pup friendly
None of those reasons stopped my husband from looking at photos of homeless dogs at the SPA.

The words, "just to look" in December 2016 were dangerous, they were also unrealistic. The older female he'd spotted on the website was not there. Then one of the staff, went behind the counter and brought out a three-month mixture and put him in my arms. He licked me and I was a gonna.

We changed his name from Spider to Sherlock, which fits. He investigates everything. Even more he has changed our lives.

He'll be 19 months March 10th. He has learned a lot. We've learned a lot.

Of the reasons not to get a dog, all are there but solutions abounded.
  • My daughter and more than one neighbor has promised he'll never be homeless.
  • has provided us with sitters for our trips some of whom have become friends.
  • My landlady likes dogs even if her husband is reticent.
Because we work at home, Sherlock is part of our day with time devoted to lap sitting, ball throwing and long walks to the lake or sea depending on where we are. We know, if Rick puts his arm around me, just as I snuggle into him, a furry head will appear with a "Whatcha doing can I cuddle too?" look on his face. The answer is yes.

Today a DNA kit arrived to tell what mixture of breeds he is. It is curiosity mostly.

He is ours and we love him.

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