Friday, March 08, 2019

silver linings

We've all heard the cliché about clouds with silver linings.

It was a frustrating day, a cloudy day.

It started when I couldn't find my bra. I have to keep it out of Sherlock's reach. He loves stealing it and even better, eating my  prosthesis. Once I was dressed, I did find it where it had fallen. Not eaten.

Then today was the day, I was pulling the 2018 tax stuff together, one of my least favorite chores. One of the things I was missing my SS statement. A 45 minute search produced nothing and trying to order it from the internet site didn't work, mainly because I don't have a US address.

I mentioned it to Rick. "I have it," he said.

Although I didn't finish, I do now what I am missing and hopefully by Sunday, I will pull it all together.

We decided to go to the ATM at the post in the next village. As we approached the machine, we noticed two men had the ATM out of the wall.

I burst out laughing.

"Let's get some tea," my husband said.

We walked to Martel, a 200 year old chocolatier that has tea rooms sprinkled around Geneva, all with desserts that are beautiful. I half expected it to be closed, considering how the day had been going,but it was open.

The silver lining was that it was open and the desert and tea was yummy. And besides it being a silver lining, the sprinkling of gold on the top, made the frustrations of the day disappear.

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