Monday, May 13, 2019

Airline food

Unlike many people, I love airline food. All those little compartments with tin foil, when peeled off, is like opening Christmas presents. I even start thinking about the pleasure of them days before my flight.

When I did much more business traveling on overseas flights, I might order vegan, kosher or diabetic meals for fun. Also my special order meal usually came first. But there were times I didn't. I still appreciated how they could present a meal under uneasy serving conditions.

One meal of asparagus and lamb I still remember as being better than one I had eaten in a restaurant the week before. I will admit that one was business class.

On a flight to the US with my husband, I couldn't understand why he was so anxious to eat a full meal at the airport prior to boarding. I joined him, and could barely poke at the airplane offering. He turned it down entirely. Seems he is one of the many people that doesn't like airplane meals.

We recently had a flight from Geneva to Frankfort. I didn't expect a meal on a short hop, so I was thrilled when the Flight Attendant  brought a cute little green bag marked "Freshly Made" with a cheese sandwich inside. It wasn't the slab of cheese, but it was a cream cheese with herbs. Yummy. And the inside of the bag had a green plaid lining.

A message said the sandwich was handmade, which started me wondering about the person who had made the sandwich. Perhaps I'd passed her -- for some reason I didn't think it was a him -- on the street. Did she have children? How old was she? What was her favorite ice cream?

I know economy airlines have cut back on serving meals and to me that is sad. We may choose one for our next trip to the States for the holidays. I know that is practical from a budget point of view. It having a meal were to be a several hundred dollar difference in price, I would forgo the pleasure. I wouldn't pay several hundred dollars for a meal even in the most famous gourmet restaurant.

Still, I will miss the days of pleasure day dreaming about what is in all those little compartments. When we are on flights that do serve a meal, I will have a cup of tea at the airport as Rick eats. Then I can enjoy discovering the contents of all those little compartments.

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