Wednesday, May 01, 2019

Farm House

I have an imaginary farmhouse just outside an imaginary French village. A stream goes by. The WiFi always is strong, the water hot, never a constructural problem.

Whenever, I see something I like, I buy it in my imagination for the farm house. I get the pleasure of looking at it and don't have to dust it. No clutter is added to my real life.

Today at the traditional May 1 vide grenier, which had well over a 100 people selling things from their houses that they no longer want. When we were setting up a real apartment, we used this annual event for much of what we needed. Certainly more fun than going to a (shudder) shopping center and much less expensive.

Today, when I wandered among the many blankets and tables ladened with just about anything one could imagine, I discovered this student desk. I imaginarily bought it for the imaginary nursery in the imaginary farm house in the imaginary village.

I call myself a minimalist and furnishing my perfect house in my imaginary means I can appreciate the items without owning them in reality.

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