Tuesday, May 21, 2019


March 2003

My daughter had just landed in Geneva to start looking for work after receiving her degree. While she was over the Atlantic, the pilot had announced that the US had attacked Iraq.

"You have a choice, I told her. You can come with me to the Peace March in Bern or be disinherited."

As she was setting up the kitty litter for her accompanying cats, Morgana and Lady Gwen, she said, "Under the law, you can't disinherit me, but I'm coming." From the time she was little, she'd been on marches from the Equal Rights Amendment to pro-choice with me. 

On the train we ran into one of my co-workers.

The size of the crowd kept growing. Some started singing Lennon's "Imagine" and although most of the crowd had English as a second language, all knew the words.

We were right. The reasons for the attack were bogus.

Today there are similar mutterings growing in volume for a war against Iraq. Making up a reason for war, is nothing new.

The video has world leaders allegedly singing "Imagine." It is fake but if only it could be true.



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