Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Marital conversations

Last night we celebrated our anniversary. May is a big month for us: we reconnected after 24 years seven years ago and we had our civil service four years ago. The restaurant where we went is located in the Stockholm's old town and offered typical Swedish dishes. The interior was wood with dark wooden tables  and friendly wait staff.

Through out the meal we chatted. In all the time we've been together we've never run out of things to talk about.

I notice our conversations break down into categories. Lists are far from inclusive.

What needs to be done around the flat(s) short term (call cleaning woman) long term (stair repair) as examples.

Daily as in evening programs, movies, plays, concerts, gallery visits, Tourist Tuesday where we explore places that interest us, photo safaris, walks with or without the dog, vide greniers

Taxes, financial, the business, family a topic of great pleasure, health

Interviews, articles, conferences, meetings, schedules, subjects involved, people, marketing

Friends/social life
Who is coming and going, dinners, coffees, breakfasts, adventures, their lives, entertainments shared. We values our friends and think how sad our lives would be without them.

News from many different nations, slants, wording, theories

What we've read, want to read. We often share sentences that impress us.

Social media
Who said what on Facebook, blogs,

What we are working on, what we've written, what we will add or delete to each other's writing, what we really like

Where we are going next on business or pleasure which we usually combine, getting a dog sitter or take the muttsaball.

My husband's passion and I love listening to him about it

My passion especially visiting historic sites
We've had him a year and a half and we are still like new parents ooing and ahing over much of what he does. And he is unusual...how many dogs do you know that are part of a walking club which the owners don't belong to?

As I make the list, I realize, I've just scratched the surface of our conversations, most of which are punctuated with warmth and laughter, joy of being together. I'm up for at least another seven years.

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