Thursday, May 09, 2019


My idea when I retired, was to live as simply as possible, own as little as possible, but have everything I wanted, needed, found beautiful and if it could cover all areas even better.

I found a wonderful, tiny loft studio in a 400-year-old building in Southern France, paid $18,000 cash and felt I could live very well on about $600 a month, which would have been my retirement then. Many years later when I retired on more and even ran a business for a while, didn't change my desire to have as little as possible.

It worked well until I married and he was worth any changes. I've converted him to a simpler life than he was used to, and I am willing sometimes to have more stuff that I would otherwise have.

I still want to have meaning in everything I own.

Take the dustpan. Sweeping up dirt is not life's most pleasant chores.

I was visiting my beloved Stepmom in Florida. We met a woman artist. She designed a dustpan for me. Every time I use it, not only do I get rid of dirt, I remember my great times with my Stepmom and meeting the artist, who was lovely. It gives an extra meaning to an otherwise mundane chore.

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