Saturday, May 11, 2019

Story Photos

How many photos do you think there are of a person standing in front of the Eiffel Tower grinning? I bet billions. The same for most tourist attractions.


Friday morning, my husband was off to his hickory stick golf tournament, something important to him. It needed a photo.

I could have taken a photo of him standing with his clubs, full face staring into the camera with a stupid grin on his face. 

Under no circumstances would I ever take a photo with people just staring at a camera.

I wanted more of a story photo with Rick walking up the stairs from our patio to the car. He thought he would add the tipping of the hat, a nice touch.

I also took a few more to show his progress up the steps along with the cap tip and then looking ahead

Of course, it would have been better had he advanced a bit more on the steps. It is a bit harder to get story photos never mind good story photos.

When I take a photo, I tell the people don't look at the camera, do something.

I do not consider myself a good photographer, but I do get different shots.

This photo of Rick, could have had him grinning in front of the serpent statue. However, his trying to get an unusual shot brings up a slew of memories that happened around the photo.

We could have asked the men cutting the branches to come down and stand in front of the tree and grin.

I could have asked the artist to turn around and grin at the camera.

I love this of my daughter and her cat being very cat like. My daughter's smile shows her love for the animal and her patience. I could have pushed the cat off her lap, made Llara put the camera down and grin.

As I wrote earlier, I don't claim to be a good photographer. But as a writer, I want to take photos that could be used for a writing exercise, the seed for a short story that I may or may not write.

So, if you ever catch me taking a photo of anyone(s) grinning and staring at the camera in front of something, shoot me and not with a camera.

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