Sunday, June 09, 2019

Me and sports

I am the least sporty person you will ever meet. It is nothing new.

At recess I hated kickball, softball, volleyball, etc. I didn't care if my team won or lost because I had friends on both sides. I just wanted to get it over with.

My mandatory golf lessons spring, summer and fall were an annoyance.

Tennis...if I hit the ball, okay, if I missed okay. Who cared.

I can't swim, even after six months of weekly lessons. Probably my mother's terrified "Don't!" anytime I got close to water is too deeply implanted in my brain. Wading is okay.

It is not that I'm negative to sports. There are moments of pleasure.

I will admit liking watching my high school football team play. Part of it was our school color clothing, the hot dogs and the band.

In winter, I loved spending time ice skating pretending I was a speed skater. And watching ice skating was great. No desire to do it, knowing I was much too klutzy.

I loved the Celtics even after after embarrassing myself as a cub reporter photographing one of the best known players asking him how to spell his name and telling him I didn't know much about baseball (I later learned because part of my beat was covering Little League games).

Tickets to a Celtics/Lakers playoff from a vendor years ago were a treasure. We were so close we could see Larry Bird's sweat.

And a Federer anything match is a delight and again my lovely husband saw that we had tickets to see him in person when we were in London.

My considerate husband wanted to buy Red Sox tickets when we were in Boston. He is always trying to do nice things. I told him he could go, but please, please don't make me. We may try a Bruins or Celtics game at Christmas when we visit my daughter.

I am married to a passionate golfer and I revel in his pleasure. I even played nine holes with him when we were in Andora. I will enjoy following him to different hickory golf stick tournaments in different countries that he has planned.

We have new Canadian friends, lovely people and they play golf with Rick. I am happy at home reading, walking the dog, writing, having coffee in the local tea rooms. I am equally happy they are happy.

I don't consider my lack of interest in sports a failure, it is just me. And for those that are sporty, enjoy. Tell me about it. I enjoy your stories.

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