Sunday, June 30, 2019

The Dream Part 2

So...I had a stake in my dream house in Southern, France...what could go wrong?

Financially, I wasn't able to spend as much time there as I wanted, although my Stepmom, Llara and I had a wonderful Easter week.

No matter that my Stepmom, caught a horrible cold and also fell downstairs. What a trooper she was. When we went to the doctor, she thought it would be interesting to visit a doctor where she didn't share a language.

We laughed when I tried to act out what tissues were at the drugstore. The druggist brought them and said, "By the way, I speak English."

"Why didn't you say so?"

"You were so entertaining."

She loved the Catalan carolers, the statues being marched around the church for the Easter service.

During the summer we went over for a holiday, my daughter, my two housemates and Dan and Barbara, the proprietors of the house. She came back from Africa where she was doing research: he went from Boston.

They were discussing their divorce. Barbara was to get the Argelès house, Dan, the Boston one. It was one of the nicest divorces ever. Friends did not have to choose sides.

Even neutral, though I was worried about being part owner of a house, where my co-owner was living in the African bush. We found a friend, a fellow student of Barbara's, to buy out my portion.

I could still use the house, but I wanted my own. I wasn't sure how I was going to do it.

That is a story to come.

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