Sunday, July 07, 2019

50 years ago

As a little girl, I read the Ladies Home Journal's section on events 50 years before. The world of my grandmother, the world of ancient history.

Now when I see 50 years ago, it almost seems like yesterday. In 1969 my daughter was born, Woodstock happened, Richard Nixon was inaugurated, man walked on the moon. The cost of living was different (see the end of the blog).

Then came the 70s, 80, 90s. If I think I back, they still seem daily real to me, definitely not ancient history.

It seems as if I could still walk into the condo on The Riverway in Boston,  and it would be just the same. I sold it in 1989.

On Facebook there are photos of things with the caption,"do you know what this is?" I do and am surprised they are no longer common items.

Equally surprising is when a friend had a bump, that bump is now out of college and may have a bump of their own.

I could ask where does the time go?

The answer is in living day by day. Most of those days were good days. A tragedy or two did make me appreciate the happy days. 50 years ago I had many lessons ahead of me. Now I am reaping the rewards of those lessons.

Cost of Living 1969
How Much things cost in 1969
Yearly Inflation Rate USA 5.46 %
Yearly Inflation Rate UK 5.6%
Year End Close Dow Jones Industrial Average 800
Average Cost of new house $15,550.00
Average Income per year $8,550.00
Average Monthly Rent $135.00
Average Cost New Car $3,270.00
Toyota Corona $1,950.00
Gas per Gallon 35 cents
Alarm Clock from Westclox $9.98

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