Sunday, July 14, 2019


 Rick and I had our DNA done. No surprises for him.

I didn't expect many. I knew John Sargent, an ancestor, fought in the Revolutionary War (not as a pilot) and Michel Boudreau left La Rochelle for Nova Scotia in 1740. What I am sorry about, is I have only a name, dates of birth and death. In Michel's case, I know he fathered 11 children. What I would love to know is more of what they were like, their day-to-day lives.

I was wrong about not being surprised, though.

I discovered I was 1% Norwegian, Since the discovery, I picture some Viking either raping some Anglo Saxon girl or even settling down in what would become the UK to live with her happily ever after. I certainly didn't inherit any tall Viking genes or so I thought. Later I checked and Vikings weren't tall like their Norwegian descendants. They ran 5 foot 6, 7, 8, on average. That is still taller than my 5 foot 1.

When the SPA gave us Sherlock, a three-month bundle of adorable, they told us he was half Yorkie through his mother, something from his Griffon father and maybe other things.

We decided to have his DNA done too. 

His mother was the first surprise. Only 25% of his DNA came from her.

What else was he?

Miniature Pincher 12.5%? Hmm...that means he is distantly related (very) to his friend Falco, who lives at Mille et Un, the tea room down the street.

As for being 12.5% Russell terrier we really didn't want a Jack, not that we didn't like the breed. I had a lovely relationship with a Jack names Phoenix, belonging to a co-worker. Even dog sat for him. One of the smartest dogs, I've ever met. We just thought that breed was a bit too stubborn and too energetic. I need to tell Fi and Jen, Jack fans, about Sherlock. As for Nelly, Fi's Jack, her heart still belongs to Paddy, another breed entirely although she is happy to play with Sherlock too.

He is also 12.5% Prague Ratter.

What is a Prague Ratter????????? we wondered.

We looked it up to discover they are rare outside Czech. Mystery of how some of a home-staying Prague Ratter's genes worked its way through our dog's ancestry. The description of them as a lap lover certainly fits. Sherlock lets no lap go empty. That breed also resembles Falco.

Some of the breed characteristics show up in Sherlock. What his family background doesn't matter. We are still bonkers about him.

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