Friday, July 26, 2019

Fête des Vignerons

"Why do you want me to buy tickets?" Rick asked. He was at a conference in Florida. I was home in Geneva. It was December and he had our credit card with him. I had just seen that tickets had gone on sale.

He usually needs to know why I want to do something rather than just waiting for all to become clear.

"It's the Fête des Vignerons. It happens only once every twenty years. It matches the Olympic opening ceremony." I had seen the one last time and was gobsmacked. Not only did I not want to miss the 2019 one, I wanted him to have the experience. Chances are we won't be around for the 2039.

He bought the tickets.

We were one of the 20,000 people in the specially built stadium. Behind us were the Alps. In front of us was Lake Léman. Ours was second night's performance. The Fête will run until late August, with similar crowds appearing.

Whether it was the fairy flying overhead, the 5,000 performers along with goats, horses and cows, the costumes, the lake or the Alps it was even better than the one before. 

The Fête des Vignerons has been taking place in Vevey, Switzerland since 1797 and is limited to five times in an century.

We find that Vevey is full of activity with people in costume, stands for food and drink. Bands in various uniforms march buy and mini concerts add music. We watch the TV broadcast for the evening news be recorded and end up at a restaurant for a drink and a snack.

Then it is time.

We are shown to our seats by giant birds. The sun is still hot but beginning to set. We watch the light fade on the stadium and the mountains in front of us.

A voice encourages people to take their seats.

There is a hush and and a giant "oooo" from the crowd as a fairy flies over the stadium dipping and rising as she goes. For the next two hours 5,000 singers, dancers and actors move in and out of the stadium performing songs and dances. The stage floor is changed technically through a variety of styles. A garden can become a school girl's slate with her notes in chalk or a banner or, or, or... The floor can open up and a regiment of soldiers in period costumes march in with light poles. Life size playing cards take their turn. At different times, goats, cows and horse-drawn carriages appeared.

It is two hours of magic.

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