Tuesday, July 02, 2019

In sync

All day I felt I was totally in sync with me husband. Part of the day was spent in doing functional things: hair cuts, laundry, writing, doing things with and for Sherlock, etc.

Since it was his day to "cook" he decided to "cook" at the Chinese buffet--except it was closed for a holiday (this is France where much closes in July). 

Not a problem. 

We went to Poivre Rouge and had a great lunch. 

In the afternoon, he finished an assignment, while I wrote.

We worked together on a bio for another writer.

In between and during we chatted on a bunch of subjects.

It was time to give an almost final edit on my book Triple Decker. We took the computer onto the bed. Sherlock curled up between us, but we needed to shift him so I could see the computer screen. We went over the manuscript. He is a great proof reader. I learned a couple of things. I hope he did too. We adjusted him, so I could see the screen.

When finished, we went to the boys for a drink under the trees. Rick spotted a Danish friend who gave us great news. Now retired he and his wife have rented a flat near us, so we will see more of them.

As I write this he is setting up the DVD to continue watching a series after reading a series of silly headlines to me.

A normal day in a near perfect life when my husband and are in sync. 

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