Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Politeness and Rand Paul

Rand Paul suggested the other day that a minority congresswoman go visit Somalia so she would appreciate the US more. Never mind the idea that by identifying problems so maybe a solution can be found is a good thing. Doing that is not unAmerican nor does it show a hatred for the country.

I have mixed feelings about Paul. Almost everything he believes in or at least votes for is exactly opposite to my beliefs. 

Yet, I was part of an Anti-FATCA lawsuit with him, which I appreciate. We both appeared before Congress to make Congress aware the damage FATCA was doing to American expats.

I stayed as far away from him as possible. I could have thanked him for his help but I really would have liked to tell him what I really think, but it was neither the time nor the situation.

When the leader of Republican Overseas Committee and driving force in the law suit and our congressional onslaught grabbed me and dragged me over for a one on one photo with Paul. 

There was no way to decline. I stood there. The photo was taken and I walked away. My grandmother would be proud of my being polite. 

I do not have nor do I want a copy of the photo.

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