Monday, July 29, 2019


Dear Microsoft:

I am a COW (Crankly Old Woman). I use Microsoft.

My cowness is not a constant but goes into full force when the word "update" appears on my computer screen.

I just lost an entire morning when the computer decided to update. Or should I say some engineer in your office a half a planet away decided now was the time to make my life miserable. My feelings toward him, I assume it to be a him, border between firing and castration.

I am still annoyed at the last update. Now when I bring the screen up there's information about a search engine that I will never use. I only use www, because they say they do not retain my data. Maybe they lie, but for now I trust them. Also they are not American so I doubt that my information, however boring, will not end up in some government file.

Part of my cowness also is to never, never, ever buy an ad that pops up on Facebook in response to something I wrote.

As for updates. I set up the computer the way I want it. Now leave me alone.

Not Lovingly,

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