Wednesday, July 10, 2019

What is with men and sex

They say a male snake will mate with any female snake dead or alive. With each new sex scandal it seems if big-shot men can be the same as that male snake.

When Eliot Spritzer paid $5000 to a call girl, I wondered what could be worth that amount of money. It had to be the Royal Oak, Rollex watches of sex. The Ferrari of fu--ing.

Despite my age, I still think sex is wonderful. Making love is even better.

I understand wanting an orgasm. I understand enjoying one or many.

I never saw marriage as being the only place to have sex, which is good considering I was single most of my adult life. My mother said a man wouldn't buy a cow if he could get the milk for free. I was watched much more closely when I replied, "They test drive cars." Virginity isn't as important now as it was then. This is good. Sex is a natural act that humans have cloaked in all sorts of rules and regulations that have little to do with nature.

I understand looking at someone who isn't your partner and thinking hmmm. Maybe once the hmmm would be returned but I doubt if any hunk on the beach, would hmmm me today.

What I don't understand is the feeling that because one is in a powerful position they can use that power to subjugate others.

The Epsteins, Weinsteins and their ilk are just one gag-producing of the male-snake phenomena. That a powerful, talented man has sex with women should not be criteria for their professional lives. If they are abusing women or children with their power, it should be.

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