Monday, August 05, 2019

Go home

The president of the US has told immigrants to go home.

I was born in the US in 1942. Since 1993 I've lived in Switzerland, and spent much time in France. I've also lived for various amounts of time in Germany, Ireland and Scotland. I am now a Swiss citizen.

My French, I am told carries a heavy Bostonian accent. I know my English does. Even my German has a problem with the letter R.

I have been both an illegal and illegal immigrant.

The reason I have the good life I do, is an accident of birth both in time and place.

As an immigrant at times I have been treated with disdain. After Brexit, I was told to go home. Once in the post office when I replied, I wasn't from the UK, I was Swiss, I was told that was worse.

Today, when food shopping I spoke to the cashier in French. She told me she didn't speak English. Her tone said, "you should speak French." I replied "I had been speaking French with a mauvais accent, although bad accent didn't need to be explained. That was obvious.

She was embarrassed. I told her that it wasn't her fault, my accent was bad. We did have a conversation in French with me speaking slowly and carefully. We ended up laughing together.

My heart goes out to all immigrants, legal and illegal. We don't know their stories. We do know that their status has as much to do with their accident of birth as mine, which gave me the opportunity to get a good education, change countries by plane, find good paying jobs and having a comfortable lifestyle with far less trauma and suffering that they went through.

With every suffering immigrant trying to find a better life, who walks miles or takes a dangerous ride in a boat, I think, there but for the grace of God go I. 

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