Sunday, August 25, 2019


We still aren't in our home after the flood, but Rick and I are happily and temporarily housed in my former home near the lake thanks to my good friend. I lived here nearly 11 years and despite decorating changes the walls which are impregnated with good memories are not erased. Over the years we shared a lot, with support and understanding combined with good meals, adventures and laughter.

So it is nice to be back. We still try and do lunches when we can, but the extra time is a plus.

Sherlock has decided he likes the garden. My friend has been made part of his pack. His refusal to leave her to go for a walk was just one hint of his feelings.

To keep track of who is in and who is out, there is a sign out/sign in board in the entry way. We aren't listed by name, but under "Sherlock and parents."

In some places, Sundays are like any other day. In Switzerland stores are closed and neighbors are expected to be quiet. There is a sense of calm.

We woke to cool, fresh air coming in the window. "Let's take Sherlock to the Reserve." It is a place he loves to run free, but he hasn't been there since Spring.

His desire to get in the car was limited after three very long drives in a week, but as soon as he realized where we were taking him, he was out of the car and down the familiar path to the ruin of a château where he had spent many happy days during the winter. It answered our question, would he remember? He did.

He remembered the beaver dam and the sand box where he did zoomies and tried to dig to Brazil.

We loved the views from the walls of the ruin.

Besides the dog, coming back to a quiet day of writing, chatting, watching Dateline and just being peaceful was a joy. Well quiet except when people walked by the garden and he needed to share the information.

Since both Rick and I don't really have weekends as such with our different writing projects today was a gift even if we were writing. Hard to describe how it is different and joyful, it just was.

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