Saturday, September 28, 2019


September has been bittersweet or maybe sweet bitter.

Friends from all over the world have been visiting and our days and evenings are filled with conversations and activities. We can't go for a loaf of bread or an ice cream without running into people we care about.

Now, one by one, they are returning to their countries: Ireland, England, Scotland, Denmark, US, UK, Canada, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, etc.

Most farewells are temporary. Inshallah, they will be back during the next year or so. One is leaving us to return to her roots after a couple of decades in our midst.

Living near the UN alphabet agencies in Geneva, most of my neighbors were there for some years. I had a choice of getting to know them, knowing they would move on. Many locals decided the pain of loss wasn't worth it. I felt that 1-5 years of pleasure was worth the loss. In some cases there is no loss. We remain friends who see each other, not as often. That is - see one another in person. Many are in contact daily, weekly or monthly over Facebook. The format of contact is different, but it is there.

We carry our conversations, laughter, stories, memories with us long after they depart...that is sweet making the bitter forgettable.

Within the next week Rick's and my daughters will be here, albeit for shorter periods than we would like, but time with our children is always sweet. We, ourselves, will head for Edinburgh, a favorite spot and then back to Geneva. Leaving Argelès is bitter, going to Scotland and Switzerland is sweet.

Some of our friends shared as farewell lunch at Château. 
Great food with the vineyards and Med in the background.

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