Monday, September 02, 2019

Clean underwear

My grandmother, a very proper Victorian lady told me to always wear clean underwear in case I met Rock Hudson. That always confused me, because she also told me how to keep a boy from touching me when we danced And I doubt even if someone said Rock was gay, she would have understood.

Most of my friends were told to always have clean underwear in case they went to the hospital.

The other day I went to the hospital, but I was still in my PJs, a very pretty pair given to me by a friend as a joke. We were planning a PJ coffee hour sometime.

The PJs could be mistaken for regular slacks worn in this beach town and the top was like any plain black t-shirt.

My underpants were brand new.

Before the medics put me in the ambulance I put on my sneakers. Thus I looked as if I could walk through the village.

Some nine hours later, I left the hospital with no medical problems and dressed properly in a way that would have pleased my mother and grandmother, Rock Hudson not withstanding.

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