Monday, September 23, 2019


For years Monday morning meant jumping out of bed, walking the dogs, eating, showering and getting to work. Sometimes it was a bus commute, an hour drive from Boston to the country or a walk down the street.

My attitude might vary. Some jobs I really enjoyed and although I might miss the relaxation of the weekend, I was looking forward to whatever project I was involved in.

One job I began dreading Monday on Thursday. It hung over me all weekend. I did the only sensible thing. I quit. That job was the benchmark against all others for unbearable.

Now in "retirement"* Monday came about six. It included tea in bed, reading next to my husband and cuddling our pup. I did shower and walked down the street to get bread still warm from the wood-fired oven. On the way back, (we are talking a couple of blocks) I stopped for fresh strawberries, potatoes and onions.

On the way I saw my Danish friend who is coming home today and passed mothers and fathers walking their kids to school. Most were chatting animatedly.

My day includes coffee with former neighbors and writing. I will make corn chowder and fruit salad for lunch.

Will go with my husband to his doctor's appointment and then stop at the garden store for a couple of things for the patio.

In between everything I will take reading and/or tea breaks or chat with my husband.

Mondays are great.

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