Tuesday, October 01, 2019


Imagine voting for you government without craziness.

I just did.

My Swiss landlady mailed me my ballot package to where I am on vacation. It came with an instruction booklet in my language of choice, two ballots and two envelopes to put the ballots in. The envelope used to send it to me, also can be used to return it. If I were home in Switzerland, there would be no postage due.

If I would be in Switzerland I could vote in person. In my commune we are given croissants and coffee.

We are voting for the upper and lower house members in Parliament, which is set up like the U.S. Congress. Out of this group comes the seven heads of departments and each year one of them become president.

No hysteria, no months of years of wondering who is going to do what and how with talking heads ad pollsters ranting.

Yes, sometimes we do have scandals. Not all the people serving are wonderful but some are. Of course if the people don't like what these leaders do, a petition will guarantee that the decision will go to the people for a vote.

Let's say the government works more than it doesn't, but mostly it lacks hysteria.

There is another advantage. Rick can use the instruction booklet when he works with his French tutor and to learn more about the Swiss system of government.

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