Friday, November 08, 2019

Anti Rich

Jamie Dimon, CEO of JP Morgan Chase, has accused Elizabeth Warren of being anti-rich.

I am with Warren...anti abusive rich.

Anyone who is successful in running a business, more power to them, if it is not done on the backs and abuse of others.

Take Jeff Bezos who just bought a house that will have 25 toilets. At the same time he cut medical insurance for part time employees.

Will he have trouble deciding which toilet to use when one of his employees dies for lack of health insurance? Will he have a rotation schedule on where to pee next so he uses them all?

There is nothing wrong with people enjoying the things that money brings but how much is enough? Too much?

Warren believes, and I agree, that people do not become magically rich unless the wealth is inherited. Even then it was accumulated by work, often the work of others. They use the commons such as roads, waters and even sewers. Their employees are often educated in public schools.

Those who've built business by lying, cheating, and hurting others should be called out.

There is a saying to who much is given, much is expected. Seems if someone has enough money to live in a house with 25 toilets, they can give a little back to the people who built the business along with them.

But then again, I was always an idealist.

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