Monday, November 11, 2019

It's almost over

Anne-Marie and Brenda are in France. Maura is digging her way out of medical bills. Violet's medication has stopped her seizures. Sally has accepted there is no solution with her parents. Ashley is busy with her law practice and her maybe boyfriend. The birth mother of her adopted child is doing well in her residency. Medora is waiting trial.


I have lived with these women for almost two years and today I finished my third draft. Third is not an accurate count, because I go over the previous day or week's writing regularly so in some places it is the fifth, tenth or even twentieth. Third, start to finish draft is more accurate.

I've handed it to my writer/journalist husband for the next serious edit. Then I will do a final before sending it off to the publisher. There may still be more edits.

I've commissioned an artist to do art work in the book. The same artist who does all my covers will do this one.

These women have been sitting on my couch, taking walks with me, whispering in my ear for a long time telling me what they would like to do and how they would like to do it.

In my imagination, they have packed their bags and left my home or at least my laptop. There is an empty feeling, a feeling of loss.

At the moment, I have no idea what I will write next. Should I go back to The Ring? Tweak all my short stories? What words will fill this hole? It is stupid, but I ask myself, if I'm not writing, am I really a writer. Never mind I've published 15 books. When I was a reporter, my editor Fred Cole said, "You're only as good as your last story." Damn him for planting that idea in my head.

I know I will meet these women again in different edits, but it won't be the same.

Check out D-L's website

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