Saturday, December 07, 2019

Four Trumpless days

I live in France and Switzerland.

I speak French.

Anyone listening to me knows I have an American accent, and Americans who know both languages say my Boston accent comes through in my French.

Since Trump was elected people picking up on my accent immediately go to the subject of the US President. It has happened on the Paris metro, restaurants, cafés and in the emergency room at the Les HUG (Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève)as my blood pressure was being taken.

People who ask express
  • Shock
  • Hatred
  • Confusion
  • Curiosity on why
  • Disbelief
I can honestly respond "I'm not American, I'm Swiss."

Today, I was at Chez Elisabeth, my green grocery (photo above). Often when shopping customers join into a conversation on any number of topics:
  • Family
  • A certain local
  • A village event
  • Something about the local sports team
  • People we know
  • Food
  • Television show
  • Animals
  • etc.
Today when Elisabeth mentioned I was American, I corrected her for the umpty-umpth time, she laughed, but the woman she said it to, asked me about Trump anyway.

My tactic now is to ask them what they think.

And although the American president claims to be loved, I have yet to hear a positive response.

It had been four days since someone said Trump to me. Of course, I'd spent most of the time at home.

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