Tuesday, December 03, 2019


Donald Trump was shown with Melania. He kept an umbrella over himself: she was left to get wet.

Unlike Trump, my husband Rick will make sure I'm covered with an umbrella when it is raining. There's something nice about it and, I admit, it is a bit like cuddling.

He just bought a big umbrella.

Now we have three umbrellas and since I never use an umbrella unless I'm with him, and Sherlock doesn't use on, I need to ask him if we can get rid of the other two.

I use hats and hoods. I don't think I even owned an umbrella until I was in my sixties and I see little reason to start now. Also the umbrellas just take up space on the hooks that can be used for other things such as Sherlock's leash.

Keeping things not used is how clutter grows. Worse is putting them in an attic, or in our case the storage area in the Nest where they will be forgotten.

Long before there was that woman who turned anti clutter into a cult, I wanted to own as little as possible with three criteria:
  1. It is beautiful
  2. It is useful
  3. It is a memory
I will never use any of them and if Rick goes out in the rain, I suspect he will only put one over him and me whether or not I have a hat and hood. Sherlock has never used an umbrella. Black umbrellas are boring and once I bought an umbrella user, an umbrella that had a Manet painting decorating it. I never would have bought it for myself as beautiful as it was, because I would never, ever have used it and would just be a piece of clutter. In other words umbrellas meet none of my criteria for having one.

My husband would claim they are useful.

The cuddle part of walking close together is good. As for the umbrella I would never suggest getting rid of all three just two, but only because I love my husband.

My poor husband, he just shakes his head when I point out that we have two of something when we only need one. And I suppose I am lucky he doesn't want two, three or more wives. That would really clutter up the flat.

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