Saturday, December 21, 2019

Winter Solstice

The winter solstice is today, Saturday. 

Here in Boston it is below freezing and snow is on the ground. The red, yellow and orange leaves have wither been swept away or are under the snow protecting the earth under them.

The more poetic meaning of the word solstice is that the sun stands still. The more astrological concerns the tilt of the earth away from the sun.

In the Northern Hemisphere, the North Pole tilts about 23°27′ making it the shortest day and longest night of the year. In Boston there will be about 9 hours and 15 minutes of daylight.

The world lies dormant. Winter has started.

Different cultures mark the Solstice some with feasts, lights, rituals. Names include: Yalda Night (Iranian), Toji (Japan), Dong Zhi (Chinese), Inti raymi (Inca), Saturnalia (Roman) and Yule (Scandinavian, Pagan) to name a few. Yet, almost all cultures have had some type of recognition.

Farmers see it as a time of rest from the constant labor or the growing season, although it is also the time to mend equipment and sort seeds.

Some societies consider it the time of rebirth like the legend of Mithra. Some Romans consider that God’s birth the most sacred day of the year. Christmas, itself, is said to be an off shoot where early Christian leaders thought it would be easier to wean people off Paganism if one kept the same traditions.

For me, the seasons represents what is natural in the world. The planet turns in its orbit and move around the sun. The solar system is so much more than man’s petty quarrels and habits. 

I mark the Solstice each year. It is absolutely necessary to bring some green into the house. We did that before we left Argelès. It doesn’t have to be a full tree. In some places I’ve lived, it has been a small branch of an evergreen.

Of course, there are the years when it is a real tree, decorated with ornaments that have memories. hunkering down at home with tea, books, warm clothes and those I love.
To me the real meaning of the solstice is the promise that the world will continue turning, each day will be a few minutes longer, new crops will provide food for the planet. In that, I am no different than my fellow man, all over the world since time began.

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