Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Amazon women

I kiddingly call myself an Amazon women, or I have since I lost my right breast and didn't bother to replace it. I tell people, like the legendary Amazon women who removed the breast to be better shooters with a bow and arrow, I wanted to be a better markswoman.

To do that I would first need to pick up a bow and arrow. The last time I shot with one was in the early 1970s on a camping trip in Colorado. Any connection to the target and my arrow was purely an accident.

I like to think I have other Amazonian female characteristics in the sense of emotional strength and perseverance. 

Today I came across an article that Amazonian women were not a myth.

The Institute of Russian Archeologists have revealed that they found a grave with four women, bows, arrows, horseback riding paraphernalia, in a tomb in western Russia where the women were supposed to have lived. They varied in age from a teen to a woman in her fifties.

More research is going on. Maybe I need to go to a sporting goods store and get the bow and arrow to live up to my foremothers.

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