Friday, January 24, 2020

Rapunzel breaks free

Rapunzel, was really, really mad.

Here she was locked up in the top story of this tower, no phone, no internet, no television. And she only had one small comb to get the snarls out of her hair that now was down to her ankles. 

Her parents had sold her to this sex trafficker and he was planning to hold an auction. As he said, "A virgin with your beautiful hair, will get top price. I can guarantee, my clients are of the highest quality."

"Are you any relation to Epstein?" Rapunzel had asked.

"I'm a much better pimp, then Epstein ever was. And my clients are as good or better."

S.T. as Rapunzel thought of her prison keeper, made sure she had good food, plenty of water to drink.

Every day S.T. visited to make Rapunzel was alright. "Three more weeks until your debut."

Rapunzel had read the story about her namesake, who was rescued by a handsome prince. Handsome princes were a rare commodity in Michigan.

S.T. had a very annoying habit when he visited. He could climb up the first five flights of the tower by using the circular stairway. But there were no stairs to the sixth floor where Rapunzel was locked in.

Just to show her who was boss, S.T. would go out on the fifth floor balcony and call, "Rapunzel, Rapunzel let down your gold hair." 

The first time she refused, he'd used a ladder, but he did not bring any food for a week. When he did show up, he demanded her golden hair adding, "If you want to eat that is."

She obeyed.

Rapunzel know she could not go on like this..

The next time S.T. came, she said, "I need to make a beautiful dress for when I am introduced to your clients. Can you bring me some cloth and everything I need to make one."

"I'm glad you are finally cooperating," S.T. said. He brought her material of a deep maroon velvet and white lace, patterns for her to choose from, thread, needles, pins, a sewing machine and most importantly -- scissors.

S.T. was no sooner out of sight, when Rapunzel braided her hair and tied a bow at both ends. Then with a sigh she cut off the braid. She tied one end to a pillar. When she draped it over the balcony she saw that it didn't quite make it to the balcony below, but she knew she could drop that small distance.

Despite being afraid of heights, Rapunzel slid down her braid, dropped to the balcony, broke into the fifth floor, ran down the circular staircase to the front door of the tower.

It was locked. There was a window on each side of the door. Taking a chair she smashed the window on the left. She was very careful to remove all the shards of glass because the window was narrow and she didn't want to get cut.

Once free, she headed out of the forest toward the town. She planned to file a complaint against S.T. with the local police.

"Hello," a voice said.

She turned and saw a handsome man.

"I have heard there is a beautiful woman that needs rescuing," he said. "I'm a prince coming to rescue her."

"You're too late," she said and continued to the police station. She could take care of herself.

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