Monday, January 20, 2020

TV troubles

Our TV set keeps fading out.  First the sound goes then it becomes a mosaic. Sometimes it is just for a few seconds. Sometimes longer.

If we switch channels then go back to what we were watching it returns to normal -- for a few minutes.

It seems to always go out if we are watching a mystery just as the murderer is revealed. If it is the news, the problem occurs on "Just stayed tune..." part and we never hear what we should have stayed tuned for.

Although I often rant about how life is more complicated today, but even in the olden days if the rabbit ears weren't just right, the tiny screen would fill with static.

We had one of the first television's in town and almost every night, neighbors, friends and wantabe friends would fill our living room to watch this miracle invention. I would fall asleep to the sound of the program and the smell of popcorn that my mother would make for the guests.

However, we had no rabbit ears to play with. Instead, Rick fiddled with the connections and cords. It didn't help.

We emailed our landlords upstairs to see how their TV was working. We are on their system. They are having the same problem so they will check with the provider.

Definitely a first world problem.

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