Saturday, February 22, 2020

Angel unaware


  1. Rh negatives come in aftican American too, the way white America makes it seem is that rh negatives are only white as whites are Gods or nephilium, well I'm caramel completed, I have brown eyes, and black hair, yall forgot to put that, I'm B RH NEGATIVE, an extra vertebrate, I know things that are going to happen before they do, I am always ending up Astral projecting, I see ghosts, if I'm in Astral state, when I go to sleep I always end up in a parallel dimension, I always dream of flying, I feel the wind on my body as I'm flying, I can walk past a house and know exactly the activities that are going on in there whether it be good or bad, I also feel peoples emotions, I can be next to someone, and know how they feel emotionally, I can sense good, and bad in people. I also get transmissions or visions in my sleep as if someone or something is communicating with me from either another world, or dimension. Sometimes they speak different languages, but I also remembered 5h3 symbols I saw in my dreams which I compared it to symbols that were in the book of Enoch, I document all of my visions, and Astral experiences, I new a biological attach or virus was going to hit the US in 2018, and I also slightly fall asleep where I see angels as if I am standing behind them as a remote viewing, all of my visions are remote viewings. I rarely get sick I let out a tremendous amount of heat, I absorb heat, and release it. I do not know why, but my ex use to tell me she would feel warm and snuggly when. I held her she said it felt as if she were laying by a fireplace. Every thing. Only thing I am confused about is it either alien or angels I am part of.

    1. No one acts that way but you, you big infant.

    2. If you were as smart as you think you are. You would get that color is only skin deep.... guess you’re not that smart. Too busy being bound to nonesense to really spread those wings.

    3. Anonymous6:53 PM

      Me too. I thought I was going crazy lol. Blessings

    4. Anonymous9:53 AM

      It’s not a racist thing, it’s just facts. Only 3% of African-Americans have it, and only 1% of Asian people have it. So It is predominantly Caucasians.

  2. Since Africans were the first people, they originally were rh- until they sexually explored with Neanderthals and this is when rh- became a factor for Africans

  3. Africa has a very small percentage of the Rh Neg family. I am mixed white and native aborig. The percentage is smaller in Asia and nearly all of it in Europe in the Basque region, indeed. My dad's bloodline were royals in Europe near this region. We are NOT like others in our SUPER GIFTS, PARANORMAL, SUPERNATURAL OR SUPER-SCIENCE long forgotten possibly. We are not THE SAME RACE as the POSITIVES if the general rule in nature is that if two NON-SPECIES try to breed, the infant dies or is sterile. Our women cannot become pregnant to term in nearly ALL INSTANCES if they become pregnant with one of the Rhesus Monkey Positive people. This makes a good case for this theory that HUMANS originated in AFRICA, and RH NEGATIVES DID NOT. NO MATTER OUR SKIN COLOR. It looks entirely like they are not US. We very well could have an entirely different origin as Royalty or Ruling Class worldwide has this type of Blood and the "Nephilim", or OTHERS, (our kind) were indeed the manifestations of the Angels on this plane, who manipulated the DNA of Mankind (Adam) with our Angelic (First sons of God) DNA? Which technically would be the one NOT manipulated with ANIMAL/MONKEY DNA, so maybe the MARK put on the blood is the ox/OX PLOW which is a PLUS/POSITIVE SIGN SHAPE? Reality has been FAR MORE UNUSUAL than we remember or have been falsely taught. We have to remember and work together to figure out these mysteries! I too have STRONG PSYCHIC ABILIITES, EXTRA VERTEBRAE, STRONG, HIGHER THAN AVERAGE I.Q., MUSICAL/CREATIVE GIFTS, A PRODIGAL SON WITH AN OFF THE CHARTS I.Q. WHO IS TELEPATHIC, PSYCHIC, BEYOND PALE, HAD AN USUALLY SHAPED HEAD AT BIRTH THAT MADE THE DOCTORS THINK THAT HE WAS DOWN SYNDROME, HE WASN'T...JUST LIKE THE NEPHILIM STORIES ABOUT THE HUMAN WOMEN BEING RIPPED APART...WHEN THEY BREAD WITH THE ANGELS/SONS OF GOD. HE TORE ME APART AT BIRTH IN A WAY THAT ONLY HAPPENS 2 TIMES A YEAR MAX. I TOO DREAM THE FUTURE OF NOT ONLY MY LIFE BUT OTHERS, TELEPATHIC AT TIMES, REMOTE VIEW, HAVE HAD OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE, KNOW WHEN SOMEONE IS IN DANGER SUCH AS MY CHILDREN AND EVEN FAMILY AND FRIENDS AT TIMES, HAVE ALWAYS KNOWN WHEN A FAMILY MEMBER IS ABOUT TO DIE DUE TO VISIONS, DREAMS ETC. WE ARE VERY DIFFERENT! I am scared at times by just how different afraid that many will fear us if they knew just how so. I hope that people come around and become more open to such abilities and origins for our super-strange bloodline origins. Nice to meet you fellow OTHERS! FREAK ON!

  4. That was some weird shit

  5. Anonymous1:49 AM

    Well I am rh negative and I am Portuguese and both my daughters are half Portuguese and half American born unites states tho I also can feel people emotions I know if someone is good or bad I fell when something bad is about to happenother then that'sohbyesh got an extra rib and I am rh a negative
