Saturday, February 01, 2020

Coke hits a sour note

Coke’s Insisting on Plastic Hits a Sour Note

Coca-Cola’s VP Bea Perez has announced they will continue to sell Coke in plastic bottles because that’s what people want. 

My friends and I, ordinary people, go out of our way NOT to buy anything in plastic. We care more about the planet. We try and convince others as well. It is not a hard sell.
As a former public relations specialist and journalist, I have a proposition for Coke. Announce, because you care about the planet, you are going to switch to glass and cans. Show photos of plastic-clogging water and beaches hidden under tons of plastic. Then break through with Coke in glass and aluminum.
Use testimonials in your ads, especially young people applauding the change. Get Greta’s endorsement if possible. The first soft drink company to do this will stand out from the crowd.
Coca-Cola once taught the world to sing in perfect harmony. 

With its plastic-bottle stance, it is teaching the planet to die.

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