Wednesday, February 05, 2020

Internetless books

I am a reader. Last year I read over 30,000 pages in books alone. That doesn't count for each New Yorker nor all the newspapers, most of which are on line.

For the last seven days we've been without internet. Thanks to a good friend who gathered us in as internet refugees we were able to get on line to not get too far behind in work and emails.

Without the internet, I found myself reading, reading, reading. The number of pages is given in the chart.

Yesterday, my internet rescue friend gave me the book Emily and Einstein. I am to page 180 and expect to finish it before dawn.
Update: It has now been 13 days. The photo at the top shows what I've now read. 

This is not a complaint. I read a lot anyway. Reading allows me to enjoy a snow storm on a hot day or vice versa. I can propel myself to any time, and country. I can learn about things I never knew existed.

However, I still want my internet.

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